My cheeks are starting to cramp.

It was 2007. I was an anesthesia resident in NYC at the time.

I tried an acting class at the New School for the hell of it. Pretty soon I found myself having to bark like a dog, run around on stage half naked, or embrace my classmates in a hug while we squeezed each others’ buttcheeks.

“What am I doing here?”

I never imagined that I’d ever develop the courage to audition, but I continued to take acting classes because I loved watching the art of acting unfold in front of my eyes.

Since that first class, I’ve performed in numerous TV shows, movies, plays, and have worked with some of the most visible artists in the industry.

Funny story. I was on the set of Blue Bloods playing a dead person and yet still trying to give my all.

The next day, Donnie Wahlberg pulls me aside and said, “We was talkin’ bout ‘choo after you left. I was lookin’ at you and I says to myself, ‘Is this guy… really…. DEAD? You were so dead you made me go up on my lines!!”

FORTUNATELY, I wasn’t typecast in that role and have succeeded in roles where my characters had a heartbeat as well!